Wednesday, 14 October 2015

Quentin Tarantino Filmmaker responds to 'black critics' of 'Django Unchained'

Over the years, ‘Django Unchained’ director, Quentin Tarantino, has been criticized for being  a white writer and director who uses the N-word in his

In a recent interview for The New York Times Magazine, conducted by Bret Easton Ellis, Tarantino spoke on how he’s depicted among African-American critics.

"If you’ve made money being a critic in black culture in the last 20 years you have to deal with me,’’ he said.

Stating that he was more bothered by the motivation behind the attacks he received for his 2012 movie ‘Django Unchained,’ the Oscar winner said;

"If you sift through the criticism, you’ll see it’s pretty evenly divided between pros and cons. But when the black critics came out with savage thinkpieces about Django, I couldn’t have cared less.

“If people don’t like my movies, they don’t like my movies, and if they don’t get it, it doesn’t matter."

According to Tarantino, critics tend to focus on his race.

"The bad taste that was left in my mouth had to do with this: It’s been a long time since the subject of a writer’s skin was mentioned as often as mine.

"You wouldn’t think the color of a writer’s skin should have any effect on the words themselves.

"In a lot of the more ugly pieces my motives were really brought to bear in the most negative way.It’s like I’m some supervillain coming up with this stuff."

His Academy Award winning film was ‘Django’ was attacked upon its release for the use of the N-word.

‘The Best Man Holiday’ producer, Spike Lee, was among the major critics who thought the movie was disrespectful.

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